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Marubeni是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/Marubeni.html 发布时间:2021-03-25
Marubeni是什么意思 Marubeni在线翻译 Marubeni什么意思 Marubeni的意思 Marubeni的翻译 Marubeni的解释 Marubeni的发音 Marubeni的同义词 MarubeniMarubeni 基本解释


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1. 丸红:五个买家,包括Glencore,壳牌(Shell),Vitol,丸红(Marubeni) 和金星加德士(GS Caltex),递盘积极并推高至1390-95美元/吨CFR台湾/宁波. 递盘最高的是Vitol,壳牌和金星加德士,都达到1420美元/吨CFR台湾/宁波六月交割货. 然而,

2. \\u0064\\u0061\\u006E\\u0063\\u0069\\u002E\\u0039\\u0031\\u0031\\u0063\\u0068\\u0061\\u002E\\u0063\\u006F\\u006D

2. 日本丸红:2006年底,日本丸红(Marubeni)和东京电力(Tepco)耗费34.2亿美元,才取得美国能源巨头Mirant旗下菲律宾电力业务,堪称东南亚能源交易之最,但后者产能(2203兆瓦特)还不到淡马锡此次预出售电力企业产能的四分之一.

3. 丸红株式会社:业界人士分析指出,东红公司的成立,是长城集团与东洋钢钣株式会社(T.K.)、丸红株式会社(Marubeni)友好合作的开始,中日双方一起致力于生产新生代的磁记录产品--玻璃盘片,必将改变全球盘基片产业的市场格局.

Marubeni 双语例句

1. Marubeni is a complex and multi-faced enterprise having remarkable adaptability to cope with changes in the economic environment and the needs of the market and customers worldwide. It is a broker, a commission merchant, a wholesaler, a leasing company, an investor, a developer, a think tank and an organizer of mega projects.

2. In 1996, the Company and Marubeni Corporation of Japan established a joint venture in Wuxi Zhenyu Chemical Co., Ltd., mainly producing all kinds of basic chemical raw materials and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, dyes intermediates.

3. At present, you can find 719 enterprises of different types and some famous domestic and foreign enterprises such as NAKANO, MAEDA and MARUBENI of Japan, AKRO NOBEL of Holland, SAHA UNION of Thailand, NOBILIA of Italy, U-RIGHT, SRO of Hong Kong, TAIYING, TAINAN ENTERPRISE of Taiwan, BAO STEEL of Shanghai and WUZHOU GROUP of Shenzhen etc.
目前,你可以找到719不同类型的企业和一些著名的国内企业和外国企业,如中野,前田和丸红,日本AKRO诺贝尔荷兰,萨哈联盟泰国,NOBILIA意大利,U型权,则无香港,TAIYING ,台南企业在台湾,上海宝钢集团的梧州深圳等

4. The Aluminerie Alouette consortium comprises five shareholders: Rio Tinto Alcan, Canada (40%), Austria Metall, Austria (20%), Hydro Aluminium, Norway (20%), la Société générale de financement du Québec (13.33%) et Marubeni, Japan (6.67%).
Aluminerie Alouette集团由五家股东构成:力拓加拿大铝业公司(40%),奥地利Metall公司(20%),挪威Hydro铝业公司(20%),魁北克融资总公司(13.33%)以及日本丸红(6.67%)。

5. At the same time, a man-made island resort built in the shape of a date palm tree is being constructed off the coast of Dubai by a group of Japanese companies, including Marubeni and Hitachi.


6. We are Marubeni Co., Ltd., our parent company, Marubeni Corporation of Japan.

7. Marubeni Corporation is representative of the Japanese large-scale comprehensive company, since its inception in 1858, has been 140 years.

8. Feng Lun, who visited several very well-known real estate companies (such as Japan, Marubeni Corporation, Misawa) and found they were not the same as China`s developers to buy land to develop another high-volume production, but also many customers and is based on placing the needs of the market.

9. Marubeni has participated in over 120 ventures in China wholly or jointly owned and operated, where leading businesses from Japan and elsewhere in the world are also invited.

10. Marubeni as early as in 1978 in response to China\'s economic open-door policy and actively expand business in China so far has been in China 12 cities set up 13 local offices for registration of legal persons. China\'s total trade in 2002 reached 4000 million U. S. dollars.
丸红早在1978年就响应中国对外经济开放政策,积极扩大中国的业务,迄今已经在中国的12个城市设立了13个当地注册法人或办事处。2002 年对华贸易总额达到40亿美元。

11. Marubeni的意思

11. After 10 years of market research, Japan\'s Marubeni Corporation in October 1995 in Shanghai set up a wholly-owned holding companies - Marubeni Corporation of China, registered capital of 33 million U. S. dollars, followed by another in Dalian, Qingdao, Tianjin Bonded Area, the establishment of with independent legal personality of trading companies, 13 cities in China, has 14 branches, including investment consulting firms, real estate companies, logistics enterprises, commercial enterprises, as well as free trade zone enterprises.

12. Marubeni的解释

12. Currently, the Fuji consortium formed by29 large enterprises, the core enterprises Marubeni (trading company), Fuji Bank, Hitachi, Canon, Nissan, Japan\'s steel, Sapporo beer, Seiko Kubota and so on.

13. The two employees have since been fired, although Marubeni has not disclosed the reason for their sacking – saying only that they are former employees.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. Marubeni, the Japanese trading firm, estimates that Chinese output will rise by 19 per cent this year to 9.2m tonnes, with further increases of 13 per cent and 10 per cent in 2007 and 2008.

15. Marubeni, the Japanese trading house, has bet more than $ 5bn that China will become a net importer of corn for years to come, in the process reshaping the global market for agricultural commodities markets.

16. Marubeni的解释

16. Marubeni estimates that net aluminium exports from China will fall from 600000 tonnes this year to around 200000 by 2008, while Antaike reckons that by the end of the decade, China will be return to being a net importer.

17. Marubeni claimed it was itself a victim of the fraud conducted by a few individuals and said it knew nothing of the scheme until contacted by Lehman.

18. Winsway and Marubeni are already among its biggest export customers.

19. Winsway and Marubeni have offered C $ 10 for each Grande cache share, or more than double its recent average trading level.

20. If Marubeni has clients in China that need corn, the US dominates not just world corn production but corn exports.

Marubeni 单语例句Marubeni什么意思

1. International companies such as SK Telecom of South Korea, and Japan\'s Marubeni and Mitsui have also come to Qinzhou to discuss cooperation.

2. Russell said meetings were held at Marubeni\'s office to discuss its securing of the loans before the agreement was struck late last year.

3. Angang and Japan\'s Marubeni Corp will sell the plant\'s products in the southeastern United States, the statement said.

4. Marubeni said in a statement Saturday that it did not secure the loans, and documents to that effect are fake.

5. It added that Marubeni has filed a separate criminal complaint against the fund\'s managers.

6. Both Lehman and Marubeni say they are cooperating fully with an investigation by the Japanese police.

7. Marubeni produces sheet and block rubber in two plants in Thailand, the world\'s largest exporter.

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发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)